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50's Summer BBQ

A couple of months ago we talked about how fun it would be to have a 50's style BBQ! And since we are firm believers in making your dreams come true NOW and not later - we made it happen ;) The idea was to have a potluck and our guests did bring yummy food and drinks. But of course me and Nick went crazy and bought too many decorations and food as well xD lol we will never learn. Oh, to live a champagne lifestyle on a beer budget, haha! Naah we're not that fancy. But we like to have a good time!

We had a wonderful mix of people at this party <3 Old friends, new friends and no drama. We're too old for that. If there is one thing I love about being in my mid-20's, it's the knowledge of who is good for me. Who to trust and who to put time and effort into. Nowadays we are surrounded by a great group of friends that we love.

Grandpa Mike was invited since the 50's was the highlight of his life! ;) Loud cars and rock music... you can see him dancing away in the picture!

Joshie helped out with the cooking :)

I was thrilled that Suvi (my old host family's au pair) could make it We are great friends and have lots of things to talk about since she is now living the life that I used to live. It's mind-boggling sometimes xD but we love it! She also brought another Finnish au pair who was sweet :)

Our friend Lizzy! :)

Donuts... you have to have donuts at a 50's party!!

Kenna <3

Hamburgers and ribs was on the menu and Charlie wanted all of it :) we also made a ton of french fries and BBQ beans!

Rayna, Heather, Kenna, Me, Lizzy, Suvi's friend (darn it, can't remember her name now but she was wonderful) and Suvi :)

The only girls missing in this picture is Cecily, also Ashley and Melissa who arrived later :)

James, Joshie, Carlos, Roman, Adam, Nick, Lizzy's friend (nice guy, can't remember his name right now) and grandpa Mike :) Only guys missing in this picture are Chris and Mikey who arrived later.

Later that night me and Kenna ended up swimming in the pool and being absolutely ridiculous haha. I felt like a little kid again when we tried to stay on top of the floating kid toy that we have in there. We ended up flying off it several times and I realized that my diving skills have gotten hella bad xD As soon as I am under water now, my nose burns and I have to get up immediately. As a kid I could be under water for half a minute and it was such a blast. I am bummed out that I can't do it anymore! This party lasted for 13 hours, I couldn't believe it! Heather, Roman and Kenna stayed the night so it turned into a nice little slumber party :)

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