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I'm a 26 year old Swedish girl - born and raised in Västerås! In 2014 I took a big leap of faith and traveled to America for the first time to work as an au pair. I spent three months in Chicago, IL and then switched to another host family in Mountain View, California. It had always been a dream of mine to live in this country but I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to stay. Then it happened! I met a guy named Nick on Tinder and before I knew it, I was deeply in love and engaged. Since my work visa was running out of time, I had to go back to Sweden and we didn't know how long it would take until I came back. The fiancée visa process was very difficult. Saying good bye at the airport on January 18, 2016 was beyond heartbreaking. But me and Nick never doubted that we were meant to be. So we pushed through it and on December 14, 2016 we were finally reunited again. Just in time for Christmas! On February 10, 2017 we were married in a small but wonderful court ceremony. The after party in our backyard was a blast and full of love. Now I am waiting for my green card so that I can start working and settle down completely. For now, we live with Nick's family.


Living in San Jose, California... and in another country in general, is a dream come true for me. My husband Nick is the cherry on top that I can not get enough of! It comes with its struggles to live thousands of miles away from my culture, family and friends. On the other hand, I have made new friends here and my family is my husband. I love both countries equally but the social aspect had to win in the end. As hard as it is financially where we live, I can't get enough of how open everyone is. I can talk to anyone and it won't feel weird at all. While in Sweden people tends to stick to themselves and their own group of friends. 

Photography has been a huge part of my life since I was young. But it's not until now that I have had the opportunity to buy a professional camera and everything that comes with it. Therefore I am very excited to share my life journey among the California mountains and palm trees with you guys. There is such beauty in both Scandinavian and American nature, which I hope to make justice in my photos.


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